G.O.O.D. for Girls, Inc.
God's Outstanding Optimistic Destiny
Welcome to G.O.O.D. for Girls, Inc.

Who Are We? G.O.O.D for Girls (GfG) is a non-profit community-based asset/leadership development and mentoring organization for girls ages 9-18. The program, G-DEP (Growth - Development, Education & Preparedness) provides quality, long-term mentoring and support. The G-DEP program also introduces and exposes girls to a variety of STEAM, financial literacy, leadership, college and career exploration activities.
Our mission is to mentor young girls, nurture future leaders, and foster positive relationships that will develop essential assets to help prepare her for her destiny of success. Our vision is "Mentoring young girls into confident young women!"
Keep Hope Alive in 2025!
We hope you did all the things that made you happy and fulfilled during 2024. If not, go ahead and press the forward button to make your plans for success in this new year! GfG is grateful to you and all of our sponsors, volunteers and supporters for helping to make 2024 a fantastic year for girls. The commitment of your time, advocacy, encouragement and in-kind resources helped us to provide a variety of enhanced experiences for young girls. Please continue to get involved; stay involved, as we continue to evolve in 2025.
Why the Need?
Girls are the rising backbone of the world and we must teach and encourage them to unapologetically take their place in it. At GfG, we are empowering young girls to break the glass ceiling and become major game changers in school, at work, and in life. With your support, we will continue mentoring young girls into confident young women!
To learn more about how you can help, click here!
Learning all about environmental friendly practices and sustainability at the New York Power Authority White Plains Branch.

There are numerous possibilities to join us and volunteer. This includes, facilitating a workshop; working on a committee for programming, assessment, recruitment, marketing, etc.; and we have several deserving girls who would be thrilled to have a mentor - whether one to one or group mentoring.
The mentors and the GfG organization join forces and build the character of our girls while developing strong assets that will equip them with the necessary confidence and knowledge to overcome any obstacles or challenges they may confront.
There is still more work to be done and our girls need you to continue this journey with us. Please consider GfG as your charitable organization of choice. Thank You!

How do you respond when someone says, "Tell me something about yourself." Whew, so much to say, so little time! The girls have been working on figuring out, "Who Am I?" These sessions challenge them to think about who they are, where they're going and how to articulate both, in words and creative expression.
Asset Development
The application process for girls ages 9 - 17 who reside in the Westchester County and surrounding areas is ongoing. After completion, girls are accepted into G-DEP and engage in activities and events based on the specific program track for their age group. The curriculum of GfG is designed to follow each girl through high school graduation and/or through age 18. GfG has designed a standards-based curriculum that helps develop internal and external assets to assist girls in identifying their own self-worth, becoming advocates for self and others, and empowers them to reach their goals. At the core of what we do are Eight Developmental Assets and their 40 subsets designed from Search Institutes' evidenced based 40 Developmental Assets Framework. They are:
Positive Identity, Boundaries/Expectations, Constructive Use of Time, Support, Positive Values, Commitment to Learning, Social Competencies, and Empowerment.
GfG Mentoring Program
This component of GfG matches trained volunteer Mentors with a young girl in the program, creating the experience of a long-term nurturing relationship while the two work together on enhancing and further developing essential assets. This includes being a life-coach to guide them through the tween years, teen years and beyond.
Group mentoring allows for small groups of 5-10 girls to focus in on a specific area of interest. The groups meet for a minimum of five sessions. Meetings are held once per week or as directed by the Group Mentor. Each of these mentoring formats will prove to be beneficial in helping girls navigate through some of life's challenges and obstacles. Ongoing, in-house training is mandatory for all of our Mentors to provide empowerment and resources to keep the mentoring relationship fresh and effective.
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Growth - Development, Education & Preparedness
MAPP - My Achievable Professional Path
This component of the program gives our girls incentives to achieve academic excellence, exercise their creativity, think outside the box, and reach their fullest potential. Awards include the GfG College Scholarship, The Elise Finch STEM Scholarships, The Taylor Rogers Acts of Kindness Award, and awards for Academic Improvement and Excellence, Leadership, Entrepreneur, Community Service and Raising the BAR (Behavior, Academics, Responsibility).
EMAS - Embracing My Authentic Self
The girls will be able to demonstrate the ability to articulate who they are as person; envision their futures; and set realistic goals and aspirations. Activities include values clarification, cultural and self-awareness, affirmations, self-care, self-advocacy, public speaking, and more.
FIT - Financially Intelligent Teens
The wealth of information gained during these sessions will sharpen the skills of our girls in money management, consumerism and financial planning. The program will help the girls manage their money and resources more wisely. GfG offers a comprehensive experience that includes banking basics, cash control, making money, consumer awareness, financing for your future and the Stock Market Challenge.
LEAD - Leadership Education And Development
Communication, team building, time management, finding your passion, civic engagement; networking; and giving back through community service are some of the areas addressed to help develop our future leaders.

A trip to the NMAAHC. Part of being your authentic self is knowing and embracing one's history, culture and traditions.
Check out our latest edition of GOOD News! Be sure to share info with your circle of family, friends and colleagues.

Ms Ouida and her mentee Leah sharing quality time during the college winter recess. Leah is a freshman at Georgia Tech.